When you have a mobile app concept that you want to sell to a developer, you need to showcase how good your digital product is. But since it hasn’t been developed since that would cost you a large sum of money, which is the reason why you need a company to back it up in the first place, how else would you be able to showcase it?
This is why screenshots for App Store are important. It’s pretty straightforward. The screenshots for App Store is a presentation tool that would feature what App Store screenshots would look like. This means that you have to wow developers or companies with your design and concept that they would be willing to throw their money for the development of that app.
So what screenshots should you showcase?
The most important App Store screenshot template you have to download is the main page of your application. This is the page that people will see first when they have downloaded the app. What would the page look like when it is downloading? This is important. When trying to create the design for this page, you have to think this way: If you are only allowed to present one frame, this is it!
The screenshot of the main page should be the best that you can create. It should be attractive and understandable. When you make a professional presentation, there should be enough balance of presenting to the company and presenting to the app’s audience. However, this screenshot is mostly for the company that you are hoping would develop your game app concept.
The screenshot should also have a bit of the brand in it. This way, the company will realize that you are designing for them. Besides, your design is just for presentation purposes. Everything isn’t final yet until the digital product has been developed.
Now on to the audience… The template that is better suited to attract audiences is the one that is on the App Store. So when you click on the App Store, you see pages of apps under “Today.” This refers to the different apps recognized as Game of the Day or App of the Day, among others. Now you can have your choice of creating this type of app, but it’s more important to showcase your app alongside the other apps.
When you click on Games or Apps, you will be led to a library of different apps. Now this is where your design will truly be tested. Would your app attract any kind of attention when alongside the other apps? Now this type of screenshot is geared toward the audience. You want them to download your app. But since you have yet to test this with an audience, you want to at least demonstrate to the company that you are also thinking about the audience.
Why the audience? Because it is the audience that will scroll through hundreds of apps on the App Store. They will determine if your app is worth taking a second look at or worth downloading.
While you are presenting to a company that will hopefully invest in your digital product, you also have to treat them as your audience. You want to make sure they will like what they see through your screenshots for the App Store. This is why you also need to make great designs for the inner pages. Now some of the screenshots in the inner pages involve words, which may not need much of a design.
Here’s how it goes: A person may have been attracted to your icon while scrolling through the app pages. They liked it but they are not sure if it’s worth downloading or buying. So what do they do? They press the app to get to know more about it.
Once they press the app, they will be led to the main page of the app. Now this is different from the main page of the actual downloaded app. This page is more of a sales pitch but in a narrative of what the product is about.
Let me explain: You are essentially asking the person to download your app or purchase it. But it’s such a turn off when they open the page and see it blatantly screaming: buy me! No, that’s not how it works. When you go to a shoe store, you don’t buy the product that says: buy me! You will purchase the shoe that you like and a pair that fits you perfectly.
When it comes to digital products, you make people like you through your presentation. The main page of this part involves the icon picture and a preview of what the people will expect when they buy your app. What does it do and how will it affect people’s lives?
Now under the preview is a short description of the product. Now that short description will lead to a longer article describing the product in detail.
Now, if you are not great with words, then you might need the help of someone who is. Hire a wordsmith for this specific aspect of the presentation. Words can have an impact on your presentation. While the most important thing in your presentation is the app itself, a minor mistake could lead to large conclusions.
What do I mean? If your description is terrible because you didn’t think company representatives will actually dwell on it, they might think that you are sloppy. They might assume that you are not good with details—and details are very important when creating a mobile app.
Your whole presentation is a reflection of your overall personality—as a person and as a professional. You shouldn’t just put your best foot forward, you need to showcase your best self during the presentation through your output.
Social media apps keep people connected. Gaming apps keep people entertained. E-store apps help people manage their time. There are so many mobile apps in the market and most of them have made people’s lives better—whether this is through connectivity or through entertainment. This has become even more important in today’s world as it is in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic.
With most people opting to stay at home, they need to communicate with their loved ones and friends. They also need to keep their energy up through entertainment. Most importantly, they need essentials to be delivered right on their doorsteps.
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